1. Diseases that have high profiles and vocal activists such as AIDS attract far more interest and money from big donors based partly on the mistaken belief that they kill most children.  (102年三等考題) 

2. Sandy always teaches evening classes, but today she is _____ for a sick teacher in the morning class.  (111年三等考題) 

3. Each February, people flock to Japan for the Snow Festival in order to see the hundreds of ice _____ and statues carved by ice artists. (107年四等考題) 

4. Experts of education are concerned about the negative influence on children and adolescents from the daily _____ of vulgar language, sex, and violence on TV shows.  (105年三等考題) 

5. When they climb up to the peak of Mt. Everest, they can do nothing but _____ the stunning and breath-taking views out there. (112年三等考題) 

6. To avoid other people, the farmer lives a _____ life in a remote mountain village with only his dog. (108年四等考題) 

7. Children have a higher _____ of getting a cold than adults because they are less aware of prevention habits, such as regularly washing their hands. (111年四等考題) 

8. If you are planning to _____, Canada may be a good destination. (109年四等考題) 

9. If moral courage is indeed one of the core _____ of humanity, we need to find ways to express and support it.  (102年三等考題) 

10. Seeing my daughter finally winning a gold medal after all the years of hardships, I felt a _____ in my throat. (104年四等考題) 

11. Zoe got an _____ response upon inquiry when she applied for a tax refund in the Customs office this morning. She was very pleased with the public service they have provided. (104年四等考題) 

12. In this down economy, it's time to work on your quality networking, especially when your network is nothing more than a gaggle of Facebook friends.  (102年三等考題) 

13. Many people are hooked on horror movies; they love to be scared _____. (107年四等考題) 

14. Because of the heavy rainfall today, all public _____ will only be running on major thoroughfares. (112年四等考題) 

15. Though we have discovered and named more than one million species, tens of millions of animals and plants have yet to be _____. (109年四等考題) 

16. The journalist was finally caught _____ all the stories he had made up for the newspaper he worked for.  (110年三等考題) 

17. Bill Clinton was _____ by the Democratic Party in 1990 and won the US presidential election in 1992.  (102年三等考題) 

18. One essential procedure for customs _____ is to carry out checks on persons, baggage and other things that enter the country. (104年四等考題) 

19. Occasionally, _____ happens unexpectedly, so it's always a good idea to fasten your seatbelt. (112年四等考題) 

20. Someone once joked that dogs think you’re family, _____ cats think you’re staff. (104年四等考題) 

21. As one of the best ways to get around the city, the subway system in Taipei plays a _____ role.  (111年四等考題) 

22. Our research on the elderly has shown that those who have dementia often appear to suffer a double _____ of age and cognitive disability. (109年三等考題) 

23. My grandfather was known for his _____ to his friends and associates, always more than willing to help them in whatever way he could. (108年四等考題) 

24. Regulatory mandates include tariff and duty _____, security clearances, registration requirements, filings and shipment documentation.  (104年三等考題) 

25. Barbara _____ to me that she didn't have any intention of explaining the problem in the meeting. (112年四等考題) 

26. A severe _____ storm is heading for the city, and people are advised to stay at home. (112年四等考題) 

27. With proper _____ , employees would do their jobs willingly and efficiently. (103年四等考題) 

28. In the United States, a customs _____ is highly paid because the person who takes this position needs to shoulder important responsibility and is fully aware of complicated import laws and regulations. (104年四等考題) 

29. In many countries, foreign visitors are usually _____ to have a tax refund when they purchase products that amount to certain values of money. (104年四等考題) 

30. Apart from the regular examination, the Customs will sometimes conduct a _____ in order to prevent corruption. (104年四等考題) 

31. The _____ was so boring that many in the audience fell asleep in the middle of it. (103年四等考題) 

32. Marathon runners who run for a long period should _____ their diets with sports drinks. (106年三等考題) 

33. Your visa expired 7 months ago. It is not _____ anymore. You need to apply for a new one. (110年三等考題) 

34. It is extremely difficult to please the _____ gourmet who has never rated a restaurant with “excellent.”  (104年三等考題) 

35. Every time I see news about somebody being killed in the war, I wonder _____ it was somebody I knew or served with. (111年四等考題) 

36. Being a professional artist, Lisa mostly makes drawings, paintings, and sculptures, and _____she is invited to make fashion illustrations. (112年三等考題) 

37. Most _____ foods are very high in sodium. If you’re eating something out of a can or a package, chances are you’re not doing anything to help your blood pressure. (109年三等考題) 

38. The apartment is very pretty and, _____, the rent is quite low. (104年四等考題) 

39. All products are _____ for defects before being packed. (111年四等考題) 

40. It is generally believed that examinations are not the only means of _____ a student's ability. (107年四等考題) 

41. Jenny tried to _____ her parents about where she had been that evening, but her parents could smell the smoke and beer on her. (109年三等考題) 

42. His driver’s license is _____ because of drunken driving. (103年四等考題) 

43. The recent rise in oil prices had a great _____ on many aspects of our everyday life. (111年四等考題) 

44. I saw two strangers _____ to each other but had no idea what they talked about. (111年四等考題) 

45. The food company tends to _____ the health benefits of its products, so careful consideration should be given before purchase. (111年四等考題) 

46. The extreme marathon runners have to overcome many _____ to finish the race. (103年四等考題) 

47. The Community Charge, also known as a poll tax, is a certain amount of tax _____ on each individual who resides in the community. (104年四等考題) 

48. Jack and Mary had a _____ encounter in the street. (112年四等考題) 

49. When you visit a bank to make a cash _____, you need to fill out the form or slip first. (112年四等考題) 

50. Russia faces more _____ from the European Union over the Ukraine crisis, but the action likely will hurt EU economies. (107年四等考題)