1. Sarah is sitting in a priority seat. Her friend advises her not to do that, and she agrees.
Linda: Sarah, you are sitting in a priority seat!
Sarah:     (104年度桃園捷運考題) 

2. A new trend among car manufacturers has been to     groups of vehicles to meet individual dealer's specifications. (107年度桃園捷運考題) 

3. It’s a big challenge for the government to find clean _____ to replace nuclear power. (108年度台中捷運考題_站務員、技術員(常年大夜班類)、行控資訊員/票務員、事務員、站務員、技術員(常年大夜班維修類)) 

4. Homeschooling, which involves educating children at home, is becoming _____ more popular. (112年度台北捷運考題_新進司機員、電機技術員、水電空調技術員、機械(高空)技術員、電子技術員) 

5. I need to _____ a few errands before lunch. (108年度台北捷運考題_新進司機員、技術員隨車站務員(護理、外語類)/站務員、行控資訊員) 

6. By    , we give red envelops with money inside as a present when attending a wedding. (103年度桃園捷運考題) 

7. Our shop opens every day, _____ Chinese Lunar New Year, from 10:00 am to 5:30 pm. (109年度台北捷運新進控制員(二)、專員(二)考題) 

8. You can add the fluid to the powder, or _____, you can add the powder to the fluid. (110年度桃園捷運第一次新進人員考題) 

9. Exercising for thirty minutes is one of Anita's daily _____. She does it every day and that's how she keeps fit. (110年度桃園捷運第一次新進人員考題) 

10. You need a special driver’s _____ to drive big trucks. (112年度台北捷運考題_新進隨車站務員、常年大夜技術員、身障類行控資訊員及站務員、土木技術員、護理技術員) 

11. Please sign the package _____ it arrives. (107年度台北捷運考題_新進工程員(三)) 

12. Since I had no time to read the details, I just     through the headlines. (106年度桃園捷運考題)

13. The manager promised not to     to any conclusions about the sales representative’s poor performance. (107年度桃園捷運考題) 

14. The painkiller I tookwas _____ in reliving my headache. I feel much better now.(111年度台北捷運考題_新進司機員(一般類)) 

15. Our office allows a _____ to work abroad, which is that a person, or a group, authorizes someone to serve as his or her representative for a particular task of responsibility. (109年度台北捷運新進控制員(二)、專員(二)考題) 

16. To keep your account safe, we _____ recommend that you change your current password immediately to a stronger and more secured combination, else you stand the risk of having your account hijacked. (108年度桃園捷運考題) 

17. Sign up for a special account today and pay only $ 29.99--that’s 40% off the _____ price. (106年度台北捷運考題_司機員、隨車站務員、站務員) 

18. _____ is often defined as an economic system where private sectors are allowed to own and control the use of property in accord with their own interests. (109年度台北捷運新進控制員(二)、專員(二)考題) 

19. The meeting was _____ for two hours because the manager's flight was postponed. (107年度台北捷運考題_新進工程員(三)) 

20. I need something for a formal interview. (107年度台北捷運考題_新進工程員(三)) 

21. My uncle’s hobby is _____ old cars and turning them into new ones. (107年度台北捷運考題_新進控制員(二)、工程員(二)、專員(二)) 

22. Exercising for thirty minutes is one of Anita's daily _____. She does it every day and that's how she keeps fit.(109年度桃園捷運考題) 

23. I don’t know how to get to your company. It is too far. We will have to _____ for a taxi. (112年度台北捷運考題_新進司機員、電機技術員、水電空調技術員、機械(高空)技術員、電子技術員) 

24. If you want to know the arrival time for the train, you can     on that screen. (107年度桃園捷運考題) 

25. Excuse me, I am looking for the National Museum. (107年度台北捷運考題_新進控制員(二)、工程員(二)、專員(二)) 

26. Thousands of _____ of Picasso’s paintings have been mass-produced regardless of copyrights. (107年度台北捷運考題_新進控制員(二)、工程員(二)、專員(二)) 

27. Jim joined the game for fun; little _____ that he would win first place. (108年度台中捷運考題_站務員、技術員(常年大夜班類)、行控資訊員/票務員、事務員、站務員、技術員(常年大夜班維修類)) 

28. Please go on with what you are doing, and don’t let us _____ you. (108年度台中捷運考題_技術員(機械類)、技術員(電子電機類)、技術員(土木類)、技術員(資訊類)、技術員(土木類)) 

29. Peter usually _____ to the movies with a friend. (108年度台北捷運考題_新進技術員) 

30. A: Do you mind putting off the cigarette? This is a non-smoking area.
B: _____ .(111年度台北捷運考題_新進司機員(一般類)) 

31. The council has _____ a ban on smoking in all indoor public places. (108年度台中捷運考題_站務員、技術員(常年大夜班類)、行控資訊員/票務員、事務員、站務員、技術員(常年大夜班維修類)) 

32. Experts say that sleeping about eight hours each night is     for adults to maintain good health (107年度台北捷運考題_新進各類技術員) 


※請依上文回答問題※What does the word “elusive” in the second paragraph most likely mean? (109年度桃園捷運第一次新進人員考題) 

34. There are several _____ from work this week because many people have the flu. (109年度台北捷運新進技術員(電子類)、隨車站務員、常年大夜技術員、站務員(身障類)考題) 

35. A: How about having the meeting on Sunday?
B: _________________________ (109年度台北捷運新進技術員(電子類)、隨車站務員、常年大夜技術員、站務員(身障類)考題) 

36. Your report is impressive, and the ideas are ______ and clear. In brief, it leaves nothing to be desired. (110年度台中捷運考題) 

37. According to a new report, offshore wind has the potential to _____ global electricity demand in the future. (108年度台中捷運考題_技術員(機械類)、技術員(電子電機類)、技術員(土木類)、技術員(資訊類)、技術員(土木類)) 

38. When you give a gift, _____ is the thought that matters. (108年度台中捷運考題_站務員、技術員(常年大夜班類)、行控資訊員/票務員、事務員、站務員、技術員(常年大夜班維修類)) 

39. After a year of social distancing, it feels strange to return to _____ social interactions. (112年度台中捷運考題) 


※請依上文回答問題※What does the word ‘airborne’ mean? (109年度台北捷運新進技術員(電子類)、隨車站務員、常年大夜技術員、站務員(身障類)考題) 

41. Mr. Wang has no son or daughter to _____ his possessions. So, he will give everything to his nephews and nieces. (107年度台北捷運考題_新進控制員(二)、工程員(二)、專員(二)) 

42. We have three specials today that are not listed on the _____.(111年度台北捷運考題_新進司機員(一般類)) 

43. A: How did you get to work today?
B: _________________________ (109年度台北捷運新進技術員(電子類)、隨車站務員、常年大夜技術員、站務員(身障類)考題) 

44. The receptionist at the Columbia Memorial Hospital suggested taking a taxi to the hospital as _____ to summoning an ambulance. (106年度台北捷運考題_司機員、隨車站務員、站務員) 

45. I am hungry. (108年度台北捷運考題_新進技術員) 

46. Clinical trials and other studies that are not exploratory research should be done in _____ with detailed written plans, with advance public deposition of the protocol. (108年度桃園捷運考題) 

47. New laws have been enacted by the legislature to reduce carbon dioxide ______ from vehicles and factories. (110年度台中捷運考題) 

48. Irene,     grades were not good this semester, decided to drop out of the school.  (104年度桃園捷運考題) 

49. You need to _____ your request form for vacation days at least one week in advance. (109年度台北捷運新進技術員(電子類)、隨車站務員、常年大夜技術員、站務員(身障類)考題) 

50. Man: Oh, that’s the pager. What is it now? Oh, no, serious traffic incident. They want me right away.
Woman: Oh, I’ll come, too. I’m sure they’ll need some extra nurses.
Where are they working? They are probably working in a(n) _____. (109年度台北捷運新進控制員(二)、專員(二)考題)