1. I am hungry. (108年度台北捷運考題_新進技術員) 

2. Because of the great advances in _____, it takes only 45 minutes for travelers to travel from Taipei to Taichung by High Speed Rail. (108年度台中捷運考題_工程員、副站長、助理工程員(機械類)、助理工程員(電機電子類)、助理工程員(土木類)、工程員(資訊類)、專員(企劃行銷類)、專員(法務類)、專員(財會類)、工程員) 

3. To protect our intellectual property, all visitors     to present their identification with a photo. (106年度桃園捷運考題)

4. Let’s go to the supermarket. We are _____ out of milk and eggs. (112年度台北捷運考題_新進隨車站務員、常年大夜技術員、身障類行控資訊員及站務員、土木技術員、護理技術員) 

5. Many tourist attractions in Taipei are easily _____ by public transportation.(111年度台北捷運考題_新進技術員、司機員(原住民類)) 

6. One of the main reasons why people move to smaller cities is more _____ housing.(111年度台北捷運考題_新進技術員、司機員(原住民類)) 

7. Please     to Farmers’ Home Warehouse for the lowest prices and longest warranties on home appliances. (107年度桃園捷運考題) 

8. The really important issue of the conference on the novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 this month, stripped of all other considerations, _____ the morality of doing a research project. (109年度台北捷運新進控制員(二)、專員(二)考題) 

9. _____ you but also he has to turn in the report by next Tuesday. (107年度台北捷運考題_新進控制員(二)、工程員(二)、專員(二)) 

10. In our college, most students _____ ninety credits by the time they graduate. (109年度台北捷運新進控制員(二)、專員(二)考題) 

11. Only the staff members of the company have access _____ the data on the website. (112年度台中捷運考題) 

12. Chocolate comes from cocoa trees, which grows in warm, _____ areas. (107年度台北捷運考題_新進工程員(三)) 

13. If you had told us earlier _____ he was, we could have introduced him at the meeting. (107年中桃園捷運考題) 

14. That student spent two years studying _____. (108年度台北捷運考題_新進司機員、技術員隨車站務員(護理、外語類)/站務員、行控資訊員) 


※請依上文回答問題※All the citizens are now being told to _____ at least 14 days upon returning form travel. (109年度台北捷運新進控制員(二)、專員(二)考題) 

16. Doing a research, one should carefully _____ electronic resources to review past information and scholarly articles before selecting a topic. (109年度台北捷運新進控制員(二)、專員(二)考題) 

17. Please _____ your seat belt. I am going to start driving. (107年度台北捷運考題_新進控制員(二)、工程員(二)、專員(二)) 

18. At first she was     to help me, but in the end she gave me a hand willingly. (106年度桃園捷運考題)

19. A membership card authorizes _____ the club’s facilities for a period of 12 months. (107年中桃園捷運考題) 

20. After my sister returned home from her 10 years studying in other city, I was shocked by her _____ on luxury items. (109年度台北捷運新進控制員(二)、專員(二)考題) 

21. A: Could you recommend some sight-seeing spots?
B: _____. (112年度台北捷運考題_新進隨車站務員、常年大夜技術員、身障類行控資訊員及站務員、土木技術員、護理技術員) 

22. I am baking a cake. Be careful! The _____ is very hot. (108年度台北捷運考題_新進技術員) 

23. I’d rather you _____ anything about it for the time being. (107年中桃園捷運考題) 

24. Mushrooms and truffles are both classified as the fungus. The former are inexpensive, while the _____ are invaluable. (112年度台中捷運考題) 

25.     supposed to be the best performers in Asia! (107年度台北捷運考題_新進各類技術員) 

26. The young teacher is an ______ person; he has made up his mind to establish his own school before 30. (111年度台中捷運考題) 

27. Conditions do change, and some information _____ on this document is subjective. (108年度桃園捷運考題) 

28. The reason for her absence was _____. (107年中桃園捷運考題) 

29. _____ I have known the ending of the story, I am still touched by it. (111年度台中捷運考題) 

30. Irene,     grades were not good this semester, decided to drop out of the school.  (104年度桃園捷運考題) 

31. Bill's words are totally _____ with his actions! (107年度台北捷運考題_新進司機員、常年大夜技術員) 

32. That book was just too _____. I couldn’t put it down. (108年度台北捷運考題_新進司機員、技術員隨車站務員(護理、外語類)/站務員、行控資訊員) 

33. All the filing cabinets in Jessie’s office are nearly full; she will need to _____ in a few more soon. (106年度台北捷運考題_司機員、隨車站務員、站務員) 

34. You need to sign a _____ with a cell phone service provider when you buy a new phone.(111年度台北捷運考題_新進司機員(一般類)) 

35. If we don’t want to pay _____, we must leave the hotel before the check-out time. That way, we don’t need to pay more money. (112年度台北捷運考題_新進司機員、電機技術員、水電空調技術員、機械(高空)技術員、電子技術員) 

36. No sooner _____ home than the telephone rang. (107年中桃園捷運考題) 

37. A beautiful woman always will _____ my attention. (107年度台北捷運考題_新進司機員、常年大夜技術員) 

38. Passengers are prohibited from carrying dangerous items, such as ______, firearms, and knives. (111年度台中捷運考題) 

39. A: What is the most convenient way to get to the museum?
B:       . (107年度台北捷運考題_新進各類技術員) 

40. A: There is nothing in the refrigerator.
B: _________ (112年度台北捷運考題_新進司機員、電機技術員、水電空調技術員、機械(高空)技術員、電子技術員) 

41. The sun is high, _____ put on some sunscreen because we will be out all day. (109年度台北捷運新進控制員(二)、專員(二)考題) 

42. Most people have their food preferences. Some like spicy food and _____ prefer sweet food.(111年度台北捷運考題_新進技術員、司機員(原住民類)) 

43. An eating _____ is a serious condition and needs medical treatment.(111年度台北捷運考題_新進技術員、司機員(原住民類)) 

44. The new accountant is considering     to another department. (106年度桃園捷運考題)

45. Advertising for designer products uses people’s _____ to sell products that are over-priced. (107年度台北捷運考題_新進控制員(二)、工程員(二)、專員(二)) 

46. My nephew plays _____ the soccer team for his high school. (107年度台北捷運考題_新進司機員、常年大夜技術員) 

47. Julia is a famous and highly _____ doctor. (109年度台北捷運新進技術員(電子類)、隨車站務員、常年大夜技術員、站務員(身障類)考題) 

48. We have three specials today that are not listed on the _____.(111年度台北捷運考題_新進司機員(一般類)) 

49. Susan: Excuse me, where should I change trains for the Bannan Line?
Henry: I have no idea. Listen! Here comes the announcement.
Announcement:Passengers taking the Bannan Line, please change trains at this station.
Susan:     (104年度桃園捷運考題) 

50. In total, there are about 1000 people ______ this year’s singing contest. (111年度台中捷運考題)