1. Our teacher always tells us that knowledge should be [   ] through years, not gained in one day.

2. Mary likes her job, [   ]?

3. We have been waiting for Jack for almost two hours. I wonder [   ].

4. In the face of energy crisis, scientists worldwide are now exploring [   ] energy to replace fossil fuels.

5. [   ], they would not have solved their financial problem.

6. I think I should be going now. I’ve got to [   ] my son at the school in ten minutes.

7. The social welfare system [   ] provide the underprivileged people with sufficient support.

8. Can you [   ] how old Ms. Wang is? She is 50, but she looks as if she were only 30.

9. The Review Board could be considering [   ] the grants given to several non-governmental organizations.

10. [   ] in 1952, the MIT Sloan School of Management is one of the world’s most prestigious business school.

11. Do you think it good for students to be absolutely [   ] without making any objections in any case?

12. [   ] the election is the question both political parties are asking.

13. Foreign-trained employees have to __ their learned skill-sets to the local market. 

14. You can never make him [   ] his mind.

15. ____ you encounter any problems regarding the new system, please notify the tech support ASAP. 

16. Library users will be fined for returning books after the [   ] date.

17. The United Nations made an [   ] for help from all over the world after the earthquake.

18. The congressman's first public speech was [   ]. The day after his speech, tens of thousands of people gathered in the capital to protest against his racist remarks.

19. You must keep [   ] whatever your boss tells you to do, or you may be fired.

20. The government is taking a very [   ] approach to managing this economic crisis.

21. There is only a little juice left in the [   ].

22. Gorillas are __ the best communicators of all animals. 

23. When we receive text messages of promotions from a company, we must be [   ] of possible false advertisement out of which the company wants to make profit.

24. Old soldiers never die; they only __. 

25. The convicted man [   ] against the judge's verdict because new evidence had proved his innocence.

26. The exterior of Tina's apartment has an exceptionally large [   ].

27. The patient appreciated [   ] breakfast in bed when she wasn’t feeling well.

28. Research shows that only some animals are able to [   ] in the wild after being released from the zoo.

29. A study shows that intelligence accounts for only 20 percent of the factors that determine success, __ EQ playing an important role in the remaining 80 percent. 

30. The economy is in bad shape, one reason for which is the rising [   ] rate.

31. Group registrations are not allowed. Each member must register for the conference    . 

32. Major newspapers have their Internet websites [   ] daily, so their readers can get the latest information.

33. A cat got into the kennel last night and created a tremendous [   ].

34. We don’t need to [   ] what the future will hold; just focus on the present task.

35. It is often said that prevention is better than cure, so why not take some __ in advance? 

36. The workers have decided to [   ] with their employers about their wage claims.

37. I sent an email to the CEO of this company last week but have not received any [   ] yet.

38. The government may require individuals to limit the carbon dioxide they produce to [   ] global warming.

39. The production of bread mainly includes the [   ] such as flour, sugar and eggs.

40. 《Naomi》: I try not to eat at the cafeteria too often. 《Jennifer》: [   ] The food there is pretty good.

41. All branch stores are required to fill out the [   ] report to check if there is enough merchandise on shelf and in stock.

42. The museum’s main hall __ an enormous book, and its restaurant looks like a big cake. 

43. Sharon was going to pay for the yellow blouse with credit card, [   ] then decided to pay cash instead.

44. I [   ] use a payphone. I just use my cellphone instead.

45. A brand brings a set of __ in the mind of the consumer and one of these is the country of origin. 

46. Not only __ most male birds have extremely beautiful feathers, they know how to use them. 

47. A:Hi, John. How’re you doing today? B: [   ]

48. I’m a grown man. Don’t talk to me [   ] I were a three-year-old kid.

49. From now on, all visitors to the building must show their [   ] in the lobby.

50. On the average, a healthy heart __ to pump five tablespoons of blood with every beat.